The Silver City Grant County Chamber of Commerce invites you to attend the
June 2024 Chamber Luncheon on Thursday, June 20, 2024 from 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Grant County Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center.
We will have two featured guest speakers from swnmACT Co.Starters, Val Weston and Jocelin Ross.
Our first speaker will be Val Weston, "the owner of Val in Real Life LLC, a digital content marketing company that provides consulting and photography services to other small businesses and operates multiple in-house content-based websites and e-commerce stores.
Val is an avid motorcyclist and naturalist. She and her partner moved to Silver City after finding it in a motorcycling map and discovering the amazing riding, outdoor, and art opportunities available. She currently serves as the president of the Silver City Art Association."
Our second speaker is Jocelin Ross from Kneeling Nun Mercantile. "Kneeling Nun Mercantile is owned and operated by Jocelin and DeWayne Ross. Jocelin is a disabled Veteran and a New Mexico native, born in Carlsbad, New Mexico. Jocelin served 23 years in the US Air Force. DeWayne is a US Army combat Veteran and native born in Artesia, New Mexico."

"Kneeling Nun Mercantile is not just a business but a dream brought to life by its owners, disabled Veterans who had a vision to produce hand-crafted products with ethically sound packaging that not only provides unsurpassed quality for customers but also helps minimize waste. The company's focus on sustainability and social responsibility is a true reflection of the values of its founders, who wanted to make a difference in the world while creating a livelihood for themselves and others."
Lunch will be provided by Duck Creek Smoke House.
The fee for the luncheon is $15.00 per person. To register for the luncheon, click the button to the right. You may also call the Silver City Grant County Chamber of Commerce at (575) 538-3785 to register or if you have any questions.
We look forward to seeing you there!